Author Guidelines

Journal of Pharmacovigilance & Drug Safety is an open access, international, peer-reviewed, medical journal. The journal accepts original full-length communications, review articles, drug updates related to Pharmacovigilance. Authors are required to submit their unpublished original research work and has not been published elsewhere in any language. 

Authors should read the editorial policy and publication ethics before submitting their manuscripts. Authors should also use the appropriate reporting guidelines in preparing their manuscripts.

The guidelines to the authors who wish to submit their works to Journal of Pharmacovigilance & Drug Safety have been explained henceforth. These guidelines should be followed when submitting any work. There are various benefits of submitting the work to Journal of Pharmacovigilance & Drug Safety as they provide a fair peer review process and language revision services. In addition to these services, it also ensures enhanced visibility and article abstraction by online indexing services.