Letter to the Editor
I express my sincere thanks and appreciations to you for publishing the review article “History of Pharmacovigilance in India (1983-2022)” by Dr Syed Ziaur Rahman and Galib R in the January-June 2022 edition of your esteemed journal. As a pharmacovigilance professional who has been actively working towards enhancing awareness and adoption of pharmacovigilance among all stakeholders in India since 2007, I am glad to see that the authors have put in perspective every major attempt that has gone into shaping the pharmacovigilance scenario in India for over the past 40 years to what it is today. This article is sure to facilitate the younger generations of pharmacovigilance professionals in India know about the earnest efforts of their predecessors and also duly felicitate the significant contributors to the growth of Indian pharmacovigilance in the process.