Distribution of Adverse Drug Reactions at the Inpatients Department of Medicine in B.R.D. Medical College, Gorakhpur (Uttar Pradesh)

  • Anil Kumar Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology, BRD, Medical College Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, India
Keywords: Adverse drug reaction, Adverse drug event, Naranjo Scale, Hartwig scale


Background: An adverse drug reaction (ADRs) is injury observed during the patient’s drug therapy, overdose, drug abuse, noncompliance, and medication errors. In this study we aim to evaluate the ADRs and its severity.

Methods: Total 150 patients were included in this study as per the study criteria. Adverse drug reactions were evaluated by causality assessment by Naranjo algorithm designed to determine whether the occurrence of ADRs is due to a drug or some other underlying cause. Their severity was evaluated by Hartwig scale in which ADRs were graded into mild, moderate and severe.

Results: The range of age was 18.0 to 90.0 years with mean 47.32±17.76 (years). The majority of the study subjects were males (61.33%). The severity of ADRs was significantly positive correlated with comorbidities and drug- drug interactions. The majority of the ADRs were mild. The most common organ system seen to be involved with the ADRs was gastrointestinal which comprised of 44.67% of the total ADRs

Conclusion: The incidence of ADRs increases with increasing the age of the patients. A male preponderance was seen in the occurrence of ADRs. The predominant organ system affected was the gastrointestinal system. A positive correlation between the severity of ADRs with comorbidities and drug-drug interactions was observed.
